"Pretend Passion Project"
Career : Organic food producer.
Evidence: we would love to do help of needy people and we also think that food is very important part of everyone's life . Being a organic food producer would allow us to produce fresh and healthy fruits๐, vaggitables๐ฅ, herbs ๐ฟ etc.
Introduction ๐
Organic refer as the process of how certain foods are produced . Organic foods have been grown or farmed without the use of artificial chemicals , antibiotics etc.
๐Who are the organic food producer :-
Organic producers manage farms that perduce fruits , vegetables , herbs , dairy , or other products without the use of inorganic fertilizers and synthetic chamical , herbicides , growth hormones and synthetic pesticides . Depending on the size of the farm , Organic framers manage staff ; handle crop production and schedules ; work the land ; operate and maintain the machinary and repair farm structures ; take care of administrative tasks such as bookkeeping , tax reporting , phone calls and emails ; and market and permote the farm business .
๐Why we like Organic food production :-
We like the organic food production and we are passionate about for serving the world fresh and healthy food . Being a food producer we can do work as a organic certified agent . There are following work the organic certified agent do :-
1. Develop an organic system plan .
2. Implement the work of organic system plan .
3. Receive the inspection regarding their production .
4. Review the inspection and report them .
5. Receive the decision from other certified agent .
๐Important points :-
Now let's discuss some Research and challenges related to our career.
Research includes :-
(.)Prospective employers .
(.)Salary expectations .
(.)Required skills- sets .
Challanges includes :-
(.)Money .
(.) Education.
(.)skill-sets .
(.) societal and parental pressure.
๐prospective employers :-
Who are they - Prospective employer means an employer to whom a prospective employee has made an application, or sent a resume for expressing an interest in employment. So in organic food production there are many prospective employers such as :
(.)Career Ladder.
(.)Federal or State Level Organic Farm Specialist
Organic Farm Manager.
(.)Organic Farmer.
(.)Organic Farm Intern or Apprentice.
(.)Organic Farm Volunteer.
๐ Salary expectations :-
Now let's discuss the salary expectations as a organic food producer .
An entry level professional can earn salary:-
Rs 8000 – 12,000.
Those with work experience can earn:-
Rs 15,000 – 25,000.
Senior management persons with years of experience behind them can pocket very high salaries.
Research done by Anjali
๐ Required skills -sets :-
Must-Have Skills For Organic Food Business are :-
(.)Know What's Organic.
(.)Need to Manage the Produce From Farm to Plate.
(.)Competition Analysis.
(.)Strong Marketing Skills.
(.)Networking is the Key.
๐ location :-
Sikkim won the Future Policy Award 2018, beating 51 nominated policies from 25 countries, according to a statement. Policies from Brazil, Denmark and Quito (Ecuador) bagged silver awards.
The award is co-organised by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the World Future Council (WFC) and IFOAM – Organics International.
Sikkim became the first state in India to officially announce adoption of organic farming in the year 2003 to ensure long term sustenance of soil fertility, protection of environment and ecology, healthy living and decreasing the risk of health ailments.
In 2003, Sikkim stopped imports of chemical fertilizers in the State and since then the cultivatable land there is practically organic and farmers of Sikkim are traditional users of organic manure.
“Sikkim is the first organic state in the world. All of its farmland is certified organic. At the same time, Sikkim’s approach reaches beyond organic production and has proven truly transformational for the state and its citizens,” the statement said.
Research done by Aman
"Challanges "
๐Money :-
Now let's discuss the investment required for Organic Food Store Business.
On average, you may need to invest around Rs. 10 lakhs to start an organic food store business. The investment amount includes a deposit for the rented location (if taken on rent), running costs for paying salaries, and other operating costs and inventory of organic food products. You will also need to spend money on furnishing and interior decoration.
๐ Education and skills-sets :-
Organic foods are produced according to strict standards established by the United States Department of Agriculture .As part of these standards, these foods must be grown or raised without the use of antibiotics, artificial chemicals,
Some people may prefer to purchase organic foods because organic farming practices tend to be more environmentally friendly and result in reduced levels of pesticide residues on crops like fruits, vegetables, and grains . Furthermore, organic foods, including produce, dairy, and meats, may be more nutritious than their non-organic counterparts.
The meal delivery services in this article were selected based on the following criteria:
(.)companies prioritize sustainably sourced, organic ingredients.
(.)overall ingredient quality.
(.)suitability for specific groups and diets.
(.)availability and price.
Research done by Mahima
๐Societal and parental pressure:-
Societal pressure :-
In organic farming there are many societal pressure such as :
(.)Is Organic Food Better Over Conventional Food?
(.) Should we Switch to Organic Products?
Does organic food make a difference in children? The burning question is how safe and high in nutrition are organic food for our children? During the course of my research on this subject, I came across various websites and discussion forums debating on the health benefits related to the consumption of such foods as opposed to conventionally grown and produced foods.
Most people, including myself, have thought of buying organic fruits, vegetables, and milk , have done so on numerous occasions. But I am yet to be convinced of the benefits provided by them. Regular consumers of organic food cite the following reasons for their choice
1. Fruits and vegetables are safer as they are not exposed to chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
2. In the case of non- vegetarian options, the livestock is not given growth hormones or antibiotics. They are exposed to open fields, natural surroundings and are considered healthier than conventionally grown livestock.
3. Organic products are kinder to the environment as the production practices are designed to emphasize conservation and reducing pollutants in the soil as well as the air.
4. Studies done on the organically grown foods have led to the fact that organic foods are nutritionally superior to their counterparts.
5. Conventionally grown fruits and vegetables have long-term exposure to pesticides, which have been associated with cancer, infertility, and neurological disorders.
6. Small doses of pesticides have been known to be far more dangerous to children than adults.
Parental pressure :-
The parental pressure in organic farming are many like the organic farming required much time and effort .
Time involved. Converting to organic farming takes three years and requires expensive scrutiny and regulation to prove the farm is meeting organic standards. The drawback is that during this period, the farmer cannot sell goods as organic, so they have the higher costs, but not the higher prices.
More labour intensive. Aspects of organic farming are more labour-intensive, weeding by hand. Less dense methods of animal farming. As a result farmers have greater costs.
Potential loss of crops. Could lose crops to pest/disease that cannot be dealt with by organic methods.
Organic pesticides. Organic still involves some ‘organic’ pesticides. In the US, organic farmers are allowed to spray ‘organic’ pesticides – including copper and sulfur. On organic farms, the quantity of pesticide is not monitored.
Research done by Meera
๐ฅ Discussion :)
Done by : Anjali , Aman , Meera , Mahima
๐ In what ways do you see your pretend passion benefiting your community at large ?
We discussed some key points how our pretend Passion(organic food producer) , benefiting our community and they are following :-
(.) Our pretend passion can give better life to the people of our country or community . which lowers their risk for infections.
(.) It will help them to keep away from many disease, They keep the skin supple and moisturized and keep the signs of aging at bay. Moreover, these fatty acids reduce inflammation, which plays an important role in causing redness and acne.
(.) It will bring back the health of soil and prevent water contamination : means stop to pollute the primary source of drinking water to 60% to 70% of the country's population.
(.) It will be beneficial to our community or society bescuse organic , means the food we produce without the use of chemical , antibiotics , presticide etc.
๐In 50 year's when you will look back upon your life , how would you like yourself to be rembered for your contribution to society country and world ?
So according to our pretend passion ( organic food producer ) we would love to see ourselves in or after 50 year's as a helper for our country or health safety community . Being a organic food producer allow us to produce healthy and fresh , fruits , veggitable and herbs etc. And because of that we can help people of our country by giving them , a healthy life or disease free life .
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